Scary Snowman Prank

(YouTube Link)

Prankster Rich Ferguson is getting in the holiday spirit by dressing like a fluffy snowman and scaring the jingle bells outta people.

The store owners must hate that Rich is scaring off all the customers, but their reactions do make for some hilarious footage.

--via Tastefully Offensive

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Creepy Horse Head Mentos Ad

(YouTube Link)

Get Mentos fresh and full of life with this creepy TV commercial, which only aired in Sweden and Venezuela waaaaay back in 1992.

If Mentos can even freshen the breath of a bunch of horseheaded fellows after they've been playing B-Ball all day then maybe it really is the freshmaker!

--via Laughing Squid

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Spreading The Bad Word Of Sauron

Beware the followers of Sauron- they have been seen around town spreading the good bad word of their dark lord, and they may make you miss your bus by talking your ear off!


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Eleventh Doctor TARDIS Wheelchair

Eleventh Doctor

Atti, the son of Reese Dixon, moves through time and space in his own TARDIS while dressed as the Eleventh Doctor. Finding a tweed jacket proved nigh impossible, so she cut an adult one down to size and added a stylish bowtie. But sadly, no fez.

Link -via blastr

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Grumpy Cat Makeup

Grumpy Cat

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. One more human joins the legion of fans assembled by Tard, the Internet's own Grumpy Cat.

-via Fashionably Geek | Photo: unknown

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The 60 Greatest Pet Costumes Ever

Behold the glorious hilarity of cute animals in costumes, in a collection labeled as the "60 greatest pet costumes ever".

We'd try to argue with the makers of this list, but who can really judge a pet costume as being better than another?

If it's cute it's cute, and frankly this is a long list of straight up winners. Congratulations critters, you're still irresistible...


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Obscure Historical Monsters

Modern monsters seem pretty mundane when compared to the monsters of the past, especially the ones found in the Monstrorum Historia by Ulisse Aldrovandi.

You know what to expect from today's slasher or fang faced beast, but what the heck is a two-torsoed tabby or a naked man-beast with an elephant's head going to do to you? Read on and you'll see wildlife you should avoid at all costs.

Link  --via io9

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Creating The Handmade World Of ParaNorman

(YouTube Link)

ParaNorman is the latest stop-motion animated feature by Laika studios, and they take a lot of pride in how much of each production is handmade, from the sets to the puppets to the clothes they wear.

Join production designer Nelson Lowry as he shows you around the Art Department as they create the handmade world of Paranorman. It's a whole lotta artsy fun!

--via Cartoon Brew

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Monsters Villains Heroes And Victims Animated GIFs

These classic horror movie gifs are quite delightful to behold, and their style is so bold that they could be sold for a dollar or two. But for you they are free, just wait 'til you see all the monsters (and an alien) move, you'll squee!

Link  --via Flavorwire

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Two Dogs Carrying A Present Pet Costume

One dog is able to do the work of two little dog-faced men while wearing this clever costume, and they're carrying a present for some lucky human so the whole thing is one great big win.

Too bad you can't really train two dogs to cooperate like this, or they'd make the cutest little package delivery service!


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Gender Swap Disney Princesses

Sometimes things go dreadfully wrong when you wish upon a star, and bad costume choices are made.

Maybe gender swap Disney princess costumes sounded good on paper, but the reality is truly terrifying!


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An Adorable Little Hannibal Lecter

If this little Hannibal Lecter wanted to have your brain as a main course with a side of fava beans and a glass of non-alcoholic Chianti the only appropriate response would be "awww, how cute!"

Maybe that's how he gets away with his crimes- he uses his adorableness to brainwash people into looking the other way.

All jokes aside, let's just hope this little guy got the Y-7 rundown on Hannibal Lecter from his parents and hasn't actually seen the movies!


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How To Make A Bald Cap

There are times in life when you need a good quality bald cap to cover your dome, like when you want to try on a variety of wigs or you're entering the witness protection program and need a complete change of appearance.

When these moments arrive you'll be glad you learned how to make your own bald cap, thanks to an Instructable by marshon, so you can slip into Kojak style anonymity like a boss.


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Geeky Pumpkin Carving Templates

When it comes time to carve up your jack-o-lantern you'll find that you can never have too many carving templates to choose from, and the more geeky templates in your collection the better!

Here's a selection of Firefly inspired templates, with a few Heroes templates thrown in because the post is from a while back, and there are links to Battlestar Galactica, Pan's Labyrinth and Star Trek: The Original Series templates as well.


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Costume Ideas For The Literati

Costumes based on literary works are few and far between, and as an avid reader you're just dying to show the world that you've been there, read that right?

Check out these costume ideas inspired by books, they're the perfect way to show all your friends the reason you stay home all the time is because you're constantly engrossed in a good read, not because your little dog Sparky won't let you leave his side!


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