Roman Atwood and Dennis Roady from Sketch Empire rented a dinosaur costume and took to the streets of Cleveland, Ohio to scare people out of their skins, and people were so terrified by the animatronic suit it's like they never got the memo about dinosaurs going extinct!
This Halloween, Neatorama’s already given you costume ideas and spooky food inspirations, so now it’s time to think about your home decoration. Whether you’re planning to decorate for a killer Halloween party or just want to impress the local trick and treaters, these cool geektastic decoration ideas are sure to impress.
Because pumpkins are one of the most critical elements of Halloween decorations and because there are about a billion pumpkin galleries online, the first half of our decoration ideas focus exclusively on Jack-O-lanterns. If you’ve already got your carving planned or are sick of looking at orange sculptures, then feel free to skip further down.
When you want to do something more techy, try making your own LED pumpkin with an artificial pumpkin wired with lights and controlled externally so you can change the expression at will.
Dark detecting:
To take LED lights to a new level, you can always try installing circuitry that will tell your pumpkin to turn on when it is dark. While I haven’t seen this done, I think a motion detecting light would also be pretty awesome. Any readers want to give it a shot?
When you want to go a step beyond LED lights, try buying a mini-pumpkin and engineering it to snap its mouth at passers by. This is also a good decoration for your cubicle since it doesn’t take up much space but is sure to get a lot of attention.
Everything Is Terrible! loves to expose interwebs article surfers to video oddities that probably should have died with the VHS cassette, like this little doozy featuring a blue skinned bad guy who knows all kinds of naughty signs, and a signing damsel who dances out the story in the back alleys of the big city.
Designer Olaf Breuning wanted to see his whimsical coffin designs brought to life, so he commissioned some coffin makers from Ghana to build the kooky corpse boxes for him, since the people of Ghana enjoy using eccentric coffins in their own funeral practices.
These melting popsicle, chocolate bar and snowman shaped coffins are strictly for decorative use only, but Olaf may consider taking one for a ride when he kicks the bucket!
Movie posters are cool, horror movie posters are even cooler, and these artsy re-designs by David O'Daniel are the coolest!
They're minimalist with lots of style and really cool color schemes, check out the awesome posters for Jaws and The Birds at the link below, they're truly terror-ific.
Gandalf is all sorts of excited about The Hobbit adaptation coming to the big screen, so he dusted off his bagpipe, pumped up his unicycle tire and took to the streets to spread the word.
Best video moment- the guy in pink chasing after Gandalf, seemingly about to start a fantastic quest of his own!
Apparently the Evil Monkey from Family Guy does leave Chris' closet on occassion. He must enjoy Atlanta because he was spotted at last year's DragonCon.
We wish you a merry Sithmas, we wish you a merry Sithmas, we wish you a merry Sithmas and a Force filled new year!
Santa likes to wear a costume every once in a while, and since he's such a genuinely good guy it makes sense that he would like to dress up as one of the most evil guys in the galaxy.
You might be wondering why we've posted an article about Christmas decorations on our Halloween blog, well here goes- the decorations on this list are so creepy that people should just use them as Halloween decorations instead.
Putting up creepy Christmas decorations is a festive way to ruin childhoods, it's no wonder kids start crying when they see Santa!
Nobody embodies the creepy nature of serial killers quite like Buffalo Bill from The Silence of the Lambs, so when people want to get freaky on video they inevitably turn to Bill as a source of inspiration.
The Buffalo Bill Dance is now more than just a squirm-worthy part of a classic flick, it's a YouTube sensation with a bunch of wannabe Bills getting their freak on for the camera.
Brazilian artist and craftsman clefrayearth loves playing the Legend Of Zelda games so much that he thought it might be a good idea to build his own Hylian Shield and channel his inner Link.
Now clefrayearth must go forth and find a cave with an old man in it who's willing to part with his precious Wooden Sword, then he'll be ready to set off on a real adventure!
When asked to consider what Charlie Brown and the gang might dress up as for Halloween I bet your first response isn't "characters from the Evil Dead trilogy!"
Well, it should be, because Charlie has found his Boomstick and he's about to clean the undead out of the doghouse.
This piece was created by Justin Hillgrove for the upcoming Icons and Influences show at the Ltd. Gallery in Seattle, Washington.
Swedish artist Axel Torvenius sculptures are like fragments of a nightmare, masks which show faces in the midst of transformation and other dark works which explore bodily deconstruction and mortality.
They're hauntingly beautiful and should appeal to Halloweenies who also have love for fine art, check out the rest of Axel's works at the link below.