Gruesomely Good Horror Short- Death Scenes

(YouTube Link)

Death Scenes is the seventh entry in the Bloody Cuts Films anthology of horror shorts, and if this is your first foray into the series you'll definitely want to check out the rest after watching.

It's amazing how much writer/director Joel Morgan was able to cram into just over seven minutes of intense footage, and from the look of these spectacular shorts Joel has a promising career ahead of him!

(NSFW due to language)

--via GeekTyrant

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Cultural Icons Dressed Up As Other Cultural Icons

How do famous people make themselves look even more iconic? By dressing up as their favorite cultural icons, like Picasso playing Popeye or Michael Jackson sporting a Charlie Chaplin getup.

It's not only a fun way to hide their true identity, it's a clever Halloween costume!


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The Ugliest Japanese Schoolgirls We've Ever Seen

Ummm, why are these middle aged Japanese gentlemen trying to pose as teenage schoolgirls? Because they desperately need a ride to Tokyo Disneyland!

They may not pass for schoolgirls, but somewhere in Japan there's a guy with a fetish for middle aged men in skirts looking to hire them both for a private party. Blech!


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A Look At Costumed Fandom In 80s England

(YouTube Link)

Cosplayers have been doing their costumed thang on convention floors since (at least) the 70s, and even though their costumes didn't look as cool as they do now cosplayers were every bit as proud to be their favorite scifi show character.

Take a trip back to 1982 with this clip from the UK show Look North West, featuring the organizers of the Scouse Con One convention. It'll make you appreciate how far cosplay costuming has come over the last 30 years.

--via Topless Robot

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30 Unexpected DIY Costume Ideas

Making your own original, and totally cool, costume doesn't have to be a major ordeal, and you can usually put the whole thing together with stuff from around the house.

For instance- wanna be a bat for Halloween? Make totally awesome wings from an old umbrella!

This and 29 more handy tips await you at the link below, just in time for next year's costumed extravaganza.


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Gundam Box Guy, Now With His Own Action Figure

When your cosplay costume sucks so bad that they make a custom action figure based on you, maybe you're doing something right after all.

Gundam Box Guy has officially made a name for himself in the annals of cheesy costumes, and now the kids at home can pretend to be homeless Gundam pilots too!


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Predator And Xenomorph Share A Moment

Sometimes cruising the galaxy looking for your next kill can get you down, and all you really want is a big old hug.

Even races which are at war with each other can find time to talk about peace and embrace in the fact that they're both disgusting alien creatures to the human eye!


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Scary Good Trick R' Treat Costume

Trick R' Treat is a horror film about a sack headed boy named Sam who seems kinda cute on the outside, but is actually a rather devlish little fellow who shows his neighborhood the dark side of Halloween through the usual murder-and-mayhem formula.

Sam's blank button eyes and odd mannerisms make him the perfect subject for a Halloween costume, and we're sure to see more people dressing as Sam, for Halloween or otherwise, in the coming years.

In the meantime we've got a frightfully good example by cosplayer Straywind, who decided to trade in her cute cosplay outfits for one that's a bit creepier.

Link  --via Still Visions

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Catbus Cosplay...You're Doing It Wrong

If Mei and Satsuki had been subjected to this version of the Neko Bus in My Neighbor Totoro, they probably would have run out of the forest screaming in terror.

Any costume based on a character from a Studio Ghibli film should be cute and charming, not creepy like the above example of cosplay failure!


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Gender Swap South Park Kids

Awww, these girls look so cute dressed up as the kids from South Park that it's almost impossible to imagine a string of obscenities pouring out of their mouths!

Maybe they can show those South Park boys the error of their ways...


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This Dog Ain't In Kansas Anymore

Her owner may have dressed her up like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz for Halloween, but that doesn't mean she has to be happy about it!

At least she's not dressed up as Toto, being toted around town in a basket while her owner enjoys another drunken Halloween out on the town.


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A Compendium of Cool Comics Cosplay: Best of 2012

Gamma Squad posts awesome cosplayers all year long, and now they've compiled a gallery of the dozen best of 2012. Shown here is Ms. Marvel with Binary powers, by Bellechere. The others are all just as impressive! Link

(Image credit: Flickr user FirstPerson Shooter)

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The Dark Knight As The Ultimate Predator

Citizens of Gotham City were expecting Batman to save them when they turned on the Bat Signal, but the creature that showed up didn't care about being a hero- he was too busy collecting skull trophies!

DeviantARTist uzaakkhan captured the galaxy's most notorious big game hunter all dressed up for Halloween.

Link  --via Lazorz

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Cool Pin Up Monster Pulp Art

Here's a gal who isn't content with being the damsel-in-distress, she'd rather go down fighting. The piece was digitally painted by Will Murai, and will be used as the cover art for ImagineFX magazine issue 86. Somebody's having squid soup tonight!

Link  --via GeekTyrant

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A Real-Life Sim In The Shower

It's hard to come up with a good Sims costume that doesn't involve simply placing a green diamond above your head, because the Sims look like normal people.

That's why the young lady in this pic gets bonus points for her Sim-in-the-shower costume, although she would probably look pretty silly walking around in public wearing nothing but pixelated sandwich boards!


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