Cinderella in Her Coach

Alyssa is ready to go to the ball, or trick-or-treating, as the case may be, in her homemade Cinderella coach, complete with fairy tale lights! Link -via reddit

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Featured Designs from the NeatoShop:

Custom Made Steampunk Nerf Batman Blaster Pistol

Custom made costume accessories don't come much cooler than this modded Steampunk Batman Nerf blaster pistol, which was created by Nerfenstein.

This sweet Steampunk styled blaster would be the perfect accessory for an alternate universe Dark Knight costume, from Gotham by Gaslight Batman to fan art inspired Rockabilly Batman.

It even has a gauge installed on the side so you know just how much steam is coursing through your pistol before you pull the trigger.

Link  --via Obvious Winner

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Call Security, There's A Crazy Sumo Baby On The Loose!

Every once in a while someone (or something) comes running through the halls of the Neatorama building (aka Neatopolis) which gives us all nightmares and warrants a call to Security Officer Hicks.

Yesterday a manic, baby-faced sumo wrestler came tearing through the halls, screaming at the top of it's lungs and chasing John Farrier around, until Alex and Officer Hicks were able to subdue it with a flying elbow/groin kick combination.

The images above now serve as a reminder of what not to let in the building-namely anyone or anything wearing a creepy baby mask!


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(YouTube link)

A mashup of movie monsters by Eclectic Method. I think I've seen every one of these films! The music is a remix of the Godzilla vs. Mothra theme music. -via The Daily What

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The Horror Short That Inspired del Toro's Film MAMA

(YouTube Link)

Guillermo del Toro is no stranger to horror, and his fantastically disturbing films find inspiration in the darkest corners of the human psyche.

MAMA is the tale of orphaned children who survived in the wild thanks to a dark presence they call Mama, and the feature length film began as a short film so good it creeped out Guillermo del Toro, which is no small feat. 

Do yourself a favor and watch it with the lights on...

--via GeekTyrant

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Horrifically Bad Pokemon Cosplay

People's attitudes will go from "Gotta catch 'em all!" to "throw them back, quick!" if they see you walking around in Pokemon themed costumes as bad as the examples above.

The creepy guy in the Team Rocket getup looks like he lives in a van down by the river, where he performs ghastly experiments on cute little Pokemon, while the bottom guy (pun intended) has turned Pikachu into a sexy costume travesty.

Will kids ever see their favorite lightning tailed cutie the same way after witnessing sexy Pikachu strut around the streets? Hopefully they can learn to unsee...


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Beware The SJP Face Cream!

Why the long face? Oh, you must have tried out that new Sarah Jessica Parker brand face cream, from the makers of Mane Magic. My, your coat sure does looks shiny!


(in case you haven't heard, we sell the horse head mask in the Neatoshop. Buy one and make your own ridiculous photo series, your pics may end up on Neatorama!)

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The Creepiest Game You've Never Heard Of

(YouTube Link)

Take the works of Edgar Allen Poe, use them as the basis for an adventure video game starring William S. Burroughs and you've only begun to scratch the surface of the strangeness that is The Dark Eye.

Video games in the 90s definitely weren't lacking in originality, it's just too bad that most truly exceptional games like The Dark Eye were swept under the carpet by the big name games.

--via Kotaku

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Freaky Shark Face Makeup

With the right makeup, and proper lighting, you too can look like you have a big old hole in your face!

DeviantARTist XCRAZYONYOUX created this chasm faced makeup, much to the horror of her friends and family. Does health insurance cover this kind of wound?

A good makeup job can be as subtle, or exaggerated, as you want it to be. Just make sure you take lots of pics because the effect generally isn't as awe inspiring in person.

Link  --via Obvious Winner

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Three Little Slashers On Your Doorstep

If these terrifying little trick-or-treaters showed up on your doorstep, would you answer the door?

The artist did a fine job of showing how much more badass the old school horror slashers are than the newbies.

They're driven by pure evil, the new guys are just throwing a hissy fit!

(If you know the name of the artist please share, we'd love to give them credit)


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The Best Pet Costumes of 2012

There are plenty of great adorable pet costumes on this Cute Overload list, but I can confidently say that nothing competes with this amazing Evita pug picture.


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Bram Stoker's Dracula

The following is an article from Uncle John’s All-Purpose Extra Strength Bathroom Reader.

It was a dark and stormy night... no, it really was. And that was the perfect setting for telling one of the scariest stories of all time. Here's how it happened.


It all started in the summer of 1816. Percy Bysshe Shelley, the famed English poet, was vacationing along the shores of Lake Geneva in Switzerland with his 18-year-old future wife Mary Wollstonecraft. In adjoining villas were their friends, the poet Lord Byron, and Lord Byron's personal physician Dr. John Polidori. "It was a wet, ungenial summer," Mary Shelley later wrote, and then the rain "confined us for days."

The group passed some of their time reading German horror stories. Then inspired by the tales, Lord Byron announced to the group, "We will each write a ghost story." And with that challenge, two of the most enduring monsters in English literature came into being.


Mary Wollstonecraft wrote a tale about a mad scientist who assembles a monster out of body parts stolen from cadavers and then brings the monster to life. Polidori, she recounted later, "had some terrible idea about a skull-headed lady, who was punished for peeping through a keyhole." Percy Shelley came up with a story "founded on the experiences of his early life" ...and Lord Byron created a story about a vampire.

Wollstonecraft spent the rest of the summer turning her story into a novel-Frankenstein. Lord Byron never did complete his story, but Dr. Polidori was so intrigued by the vampire idea that he scrapped the skull-headed lady and, borrowing from Byron, later wrote The Vampyre, the first vampire novel of any substance to appear in English literature. The Vampyre was published in the 1819 edition of New Monthly Magazine, and earned Polidori £30.


The Vampyre might have been just another simple retelling of the traditional vampire legends of Eastern Europe, were it not for the fact that Polidori and Lord Byron had once been lovers. Cooped up in the villa in Geneva that summer, they were driving each other crazy. Polidori was jealous of Byron's increasingly close friendship with Percy Shelley, and, perhaps because of this, he decided to make the vampire character a parody of Lord Byron.

The vampires of Eastern European lore were not that different from today's conception of werewolves: They were scary, uncivilized creatures, more animal than human. But Polidori's character was different. His vampire was a nobleman, and an immoral, sinister antihero named Lord Ruthven-not unlike Lord Byron, whose numerous sexual liaisons were the scandal of English society.

The name Ruthven was another dig at Byron. Polidori took the name from Ruthven Glenarvon, the main character of Glenarvon, a popular novel, written by Lady Caroline Lamb, another of Byron's former lovers. Lamb, too, had intended her character to be a satirical slap at Byron.
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io9's Best Cosplay Of 2012

Let's help kiss 2012 goodbye with io9's look back at the year's best cosplay, where sexy, creative and downright creepy collide in costumed craziness you won't be able to unsee.

It's pure chaos in homemade costumes, and even though we've shown a few of the entries here already they're definitely worth a second look!


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Creepy Hyper Realistic Baby Mask

We've got a lot of neat Halloween masks over at the NeatoShop, but alas, we don't carry this one: a hyper-realistic latex mask of a giant baby's head by Landon Meier of Hyperflesh. It'll cost ya $350 to look that creepy fantastic!

Video clip after the jump:

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The Venture Bros. Halloween Special

(YouTube Link)

Fans of The Venture Bros. who missed their Halloween special because they were too busy wreaking havoc in their neighborhood will be teased into action by this teaser trailer, unable to relax until they've actually witnessed the awesome-osity with their own two eyes.

And if this trailer didn't tease you enough visit the io9 link below to see more from this amazing act of cartoonery. Cenobites, pleasure toast and wizards, oh my!

--via io9

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