The Halloween Party Weekend
I checked the front page of reddit and was impressed by how many Halloween costumes there were. Of course, it's because Halloween is Thursday, so many folks had costume parties and costume contests this weekend. By the time you wake up Monday morning, they will be replaced on the front page of reddit, so I'll list them here so you can see what everyone "went as." Click on the redditor's handle to go to the original post and see what others are saying about these costumes.
Redditor randomroll thought his costume might be too subtle, but you recognize Edward Snowden, don't you?
was the Terror that Flaps in the Night: Darkwing Duck.
Number one in the pun costume category, dressed as Edgar Allen Hoe.
went as one of the nurses from Silent Hill.
Newlyweds lizfuzz and her husband went as the Rescue Rangers.
You knew someone would dress as Miley Cyrus and Robin Thicke. It wasn't a redditor, but 's parents.
had a friend who dressed as Daryl Dixon from The Walking Dead. Guess who she ran into while in costume?
In case you don't recognize the character (I didn't), is Anton Chigurh, the murderer played by Javier Bardem in the movie No Country For Old Men.
said her 4-year-old son wanted to dress up like a superhero this year. She posted this picture to r/Canada, and so he was.
's 4-year-old son wanted to be "Princess Hulk."
They weren't the only twins. It also works as a couple's costume, as shown by .
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