They're Alive: Real Scientific Reasons to Believe in Vampires, Werewolves, and Zombies

Dracula vs. Cujo

One dark and stormy evening, Spanish neurologist Juan Gomez-Alonso was watching a vampire movie when he realized something strange; he noticed that vampires behave an awful lot like people with rabies. The virus attacks the central nervous system, altering the moods and behaviors of those infected. Sufferers become agitated and demented, and, much like vampires, their moods can turn violent.

Rabies has several more vampire-like symptoms. It can cause insomnia, which explains the nocturnal portion of the legend. People with rabies also suffer from muscular spasms, which can lead them to spit up blood. What’s stunning is the fact that these spasms are triggered by bright lights, water, mirrors, and strong smells, such as the scent of garlic. (Sound Familiar?)

After watching the Dracula movies a few more times, Dr. Gomez Alonso felt compelled to continue studying vampire folklore and the medical history of rabies. Eventually, he discovered an even more profound connection between the two phenomena: Vampires stories became prominent in Europe at exactly the same time certain areas were experiencing rabies outbreaks. This was particularly true in Hungary between 1721 and 1728, when an epidemic plagued dogs, wolves, and humans and left the country in ruins. Gomez-Alonso theorized that rabies actually inspired the vampire legend, and his research was published by the distinguished medical journal Neurology in 1998.

The Madness Of King George

Dr. Gomez-Alonso wasn’t the first scientist who tried to pin vampirism to a real illness. In 1985, Canadian biochemist David Dolphin proposed a link between vampires and porphyria- a rare, chronic blood disorder characterized by the irregular production of heme, an iron-rich pigment found in blood. The disorder can cause seizures, trances, and hallucinations that last for days or weeks. As a result, people with porphyria often go insane. (Britain’s Kin George III, the one who inspired our founding fathers to start their own country, is thought to have suffered from it.) Porphyria sufferers also experience extreme sensitivity to light, suffering blisters and burns when their skin is exposed to the sun. Another symptom of porphyria is an intolerance to sulfur in foods. Which food contains a lot of sulfur? That’s right, garlic.

Teenage Werewolf

In addition to explaining away vampires, medicine also has some answers for werewolves and zombies. In The Werewolf Delusion (1979), Ian Woodward explains that rabies may have also inspired the werewolf myth. Rabies is transmitted through biting, and the dementia and aggression of late-stage rabies can make people behave like wild animals. Now, imagine that you are living in a village in medieval Europe and you see your friend get bitten by a wolf. A few weeks later, he starts foaming at the mouth, howling at the moon, and biting other villagers. Suddenly that story your grandmother told you about the Wolfman sounds like a decent explanation for what’s going on.

Dawn Of The Dead, Revisited

From: Night of the Living Dead by George A. Romero

Zombies may also be creatures of science, at least according to Costas J. Efthimiou, a physicist at the University of Central Florida. In 2006, he attempted to explain the mysterious case of Wilfred Doricent, a teenager who died and was buried in Haiti, only to reappear in his village more than a year later, looking and behaving like a zombie. Efthimiou concluded that Wilfred was not the victim of a curse, but of poisoning. In the waters of Haiti, there is a species of puffer fish whose liver can be made into a powder, which has the ability to make a person appear dead without actually killing him. Wilfred may have been poisoned with the powder and then buried alive. According to one of Dr. Efthimiou’s theories, once underground, Wilfred suffered from oxygen deprivation that damaged his brain. When the poison wore off and Wilfred woke up, he clawed his way out of the grave. (Graves tend to be shallow in Haiti.) Brain-damaged, he wandered the countryside for months until he ended up back in his village.

After Dr. Efthimiou published his explanation of the case, Dr. Roger Mallory, a neurologist at the Haitian Medical Society did an MRI scan of Wilfred’s brain. Although the results were inconclusive, he found that Wilfred’s brain was damaged in a way that was consistent with oxygen deprivation. It would seem that zombification is nothing more than skillful poisoning.

The article above, written by Matt Soniak, appeared in Scatterbrained section of the Mar - Apr 2009 issue of mental_floss magazine (the excellent "The 25 Most Powerful Books of the Past 25 Years " issue). It is reprinted here with permission.

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This reminds me of a Neatorama post which didn't make it past the Upcoming Queue. I remembered it, because I found it interesting. What edc3 doesn't realize, is that the folk lore references have possible ties to medical ailments to explain what our ancestors could not. But I do agree with edc3, there are people today still believe in nonsensical invisible beings without a shred of proof other then pointing towards a story book or assuming they are right without the need to backup their opinion.
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Well, religion isn't really a mental illness. I don't care if you do believe or not because that does not concern me.

Truth is, religion serves a very important sociological and psychological function. After all, religion helps to regulate behaviour while also providing emotional and spiritual support to those who need it. And before you say religion has no influence on you, it probably does. All cultures have traditions and values and norms, and many of these come from religious teachings. The laws we abide in society are grounded in religion.

Not to mention, religion is actually a very logical thing. Think about it. If you believe in God and the afterlife, and it turns out to be true, good for you. If it's not true, oh well... But if you don't believe and it's true, well, then sucks to be you.

So the point is, our society is built on religion, even if you don't want it to be and even if you do believe that humans evolved from single-celled organisms entirely by chance, it's still more logical to believe in God.
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Pascal's Wager huh? Yeah, I've heard that a few times. The problem is, how do you know you have chose the right religion? What if you die, and find yourself standing in front of Satan and he says to you, "I'm so sorry, the Jews were right". There are hundreds of thousands of religions in the world are out there, so how do you know you have chosen the right one? You don't need religion to live a life as a good person, human rights and the justice system trump whatever religion has tried to accomplish.
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I have seen and experienced things that others have as well that can only be explained by a Higher Power. I have always been one who needed proof to believe. I myself was skeptical and even trolled around hating on believers.

Faith is about believing in something you can't see. Can't touch. Can't hear. Just on a whim, pray to God and ask God for proof of God's existence. All I can say is I did the same, and it's still a joy ride I love today.

I for one don't believe in the many, many coincidences I've experienced and perceived on a daily basis since that prayer.

Besides, why hate on someone for believing? Ohh, I know. Misery loves company. It's nice to know that there's life after this. When you realize that God created you out of love, you don't have to fall into that trap of, "Oh my God, I can't ever walk a perfectly straight life, so what the hay.. all that religious stuff is ancient bs anyways." God loves you, perfect or not.

The best analogy I can make for it is like this: if I create something, I create it with love. I don't build a PC with two cards in SLI and put Win 7 on it or even a pb and j sandwich going all the while, I hate this f'n sandwich, I hate this peanut butter, I hate this jelly, etc. etc.

The love is real, and the concept is noble enough that it's at least worth opening up your mind just a wee bit to see if hey, maybe you've been wrong all these years. Maybe there is more than meets the eye.
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You people are morons to start arguing about religion just because a troll mentioned it. This post wasn't about religion/god, if you haven't noticed yet.
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there have been other famous accounts of"zombies" in haiti for example the case of clairvious narcisse. Another case became the basis for the book, and later the movie serpent and the rainbow. there are vague, obscure references to zombification in japanese literature also with the use of pufferfish venom, this time from the fish japanese refer to as fugu. the fish is used to make sushi, but if it isnt cut precisely, it can cause an anesthatized state that if left untreateb can lead to death.
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If you need to conceptualize a supreme being as a big, stick wielding father-figure, here to make you behave...well, I pity you. I am capable of self-control, without the fear of punishment. I obey a strict ethical code because I believe it to be the right thing to do.
If you don't believe in God (I hate that word) then you need to take a closer look at the universe.
If you don't believe in the God described in the Bible I would have to agree. The contradictions are too great and the book itself has been deified to an extent that is not helpful.
Any truly supreme being is going to be beyond our comprehension. It's experience is going to be beyond our comprehension, and hence, beyond our ability to convey in human language.
The true route to "God" (for me) is a journey within. I try to uncover the God within me and let it shine on all. I don't try to regulate the behaviors of others based on my standards of conduct. The biggest damage religion has done is to deem it their duty to enforce God's law. A lot of people have died and suffered because of this idea...that God hates ______ (insert whatever here) and we need to put a stop to it. It's hubris squared to think like this, but a LOT of Americans do.
I should just ex-pat already. The whole cuntry is going to the dogs.

PS: I didn't mis-spell "country".
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All you fucks who think religion is the most important thing are some stupid ass mind fucked people who have just been brain washed by the people who are in power all over the world. When you really have no idea what is truely happing and a ooo so power full god thats very laugh able when science has proven other wize. I I hate all you fucks who prech about a god you just don't have any thing better to do with your self!
I really hope our race dies most of you are just stupid ass fucks who really have no idea! so please tell me i'm a dumb ass I really don't care IE you either get it or don't its no nenver mind to me.
were all going to die like it or not.

I just want you to think for you self not what people tell you to. IE religion gov ect.. your self. Its that simple.
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This is what I want everyone to do right now that doesn't believe in God. Please believe I'm speaking in love here. I want you all to go to Walmart or a Christian bookstore, Barnes & Noble or wherever and buy yourselves a bible. I'm talking about a true bible, like an NIV (New Living Translation) version. Now, I want you to turn to the LAST book of that bible which will be Revelations. Are y'all still with me? Good, now I want you to read the whole book of Revelations SLOWLY, that's right, I said SLOWLY. Study it, digest it, take as much time as you want, don't skip around, just read it with an open mind and open heart from chapter 1 all the way to chapter 22. Let the Holy Spirit speak to you while you are reading it, don't get mad, don't throw this precious book against the wall, but read it just like you were a child sitting in Sunday school. Then come back a few weeks later and comment on what you read and what you thought about it. Oh, and after you read Revelations then flip back and start reading the whole New Testament. I think after that, you'll have a different outlook on life. Remember, I'm speaking in love to all of you, because folks, whether you like it not, whether you believe it or not, He's coming back for the Christians in the rapture. That's right, I said "Christians" not the religious. You can get mad, you can cuss, spit, throw things, whatever but it's going to happen ... question is, are YOU going to be prepared when it does. I'm talking about the rapture. And I'm talking about asking Jesus into your hearts to replace the anger, the sin, the rebellion. Don't let that take you to hell folks, it's not worth it. I want to see you all in heaven one day. Believe me, there IS and heaven and a hell. People have died for a short while and visited both. And the stories I've heard of hell, well let me just say "I ain't goin' there!" Love you all. Oh, and when you're ready, it's just a simple prayer that goes something like this; Jesus, please come into my heart and replace all the sin, hurt, anger and guilt, for I want to live my life for You from now on and I want the assurance of my soul living eternally in heaven when I die. Please forgive me of my sins, from now on I shall walk with You Lord and abide in your presence. Amen.

p.s. Sorry neatorama for this being a little lengthy, but I just had a few things I wanted to say. In love that is.
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Milli, with nothing but love mind you, you are an absolute idiot. How can you believe that a truly loving God would punish people created by not saving them during this rapture you propose. Had you been born somewhere besides the southern U.S. you'd likely have been exposed to an entirely different religion and may never have heard of the Holy Spirit or Jesus or God. Is this to say that you would not be saved? If you truly believe what you previously posted, you are a moron. Mind you, nothing but love in calling you a moron.
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Well ... I guess I'm just a moron then. You know what, I would rather be called a "moron", or "idiot", or WHATEVER you want to call me realist and be right, then just go with the flow of all these people that don't want nothing to do with God and go right straight to hell. You know, it's funny you call yourself "realist". Let me ask YOU a question. What do YOU believe? You know that whole bible, rapture and God thing, that's all real. Yeah, REALLY real. And that rapture thing, oh it's going to happen. Believe what you want to, but it's going to happen. I agree if I had been born into some other place, or religion, or whatever (mind you I said religion, not Christianity) that I might believe another way. (Thank you Jesus that I was born into the Christian faith.) Sorry, just thinking out loud there for a second. But you know what, I wasn't; and I thank God for that. Believe me realist, God does not WANT to send anyone to hell. He IS a loving God, but the bible says He's also a jealous God. You know what that means? He says in His word "thou shall have no other god's before me." That means no worshipping anything else but Him. Yep, it's all there. It's called Ten Commandments. Read it sometime, you'll be amazed at what you find in that precious book called the Holy Bible. One more thing, a LOT of people are confused, I understand that, satan wants to keep as many people confused as he wants to. He doesn't want you to understand; if he can keep as many people confused as he can, they will just run to any religion and think that's going to save them, but it's not. That's why God wants us to read HIS word daily and pray for His wisdom in OUR lives. Oh the devil will pull the wool over your eyes in a minute and make you think everything's going to be alright. He wants you to think you can just live however you want to and make it into heaven. The road to hell is paved with good intentions, but you know what, it takes more than just "good intentions" to make it into heaven. It takes a relationship with The Lord Jesus Christ. Just google Jack Van Impe and try to catch him on cable or a satellite station somewhere then listen to what he has to say VERY closely. That man is very educated in The Word of God and he has a point, a BIG one.
Now who's the moron?
p.s. I'll be praying for you realist.
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For god sake vampires ware wolfs and zombies are real. Me and my bbf may could be vampires. we have fangs and we dont like drinking our own blood but we like human blood. And we are ** so dont make fun of us! From the Vamp sisters! x x x x
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So what you're saying, Milli, is that everyone who doesn't believe in Christianity is going to be tortured for all eternity? Even those who have never heard it to begin with? Honestly, you sound like a backwoods hick who has VERY little information on what she's talking about. Certainly not enough to broadcast your views on the Internet for everyone to see. You say that Revelation and the Rapture will happen...and yet - just like every other Christian - you have no proof but a book of...well, fairy tales. Your arguments contain no Logic whatsoever, yet your kind are so narrow-minded that you turn a blind eye to the obvious inconsistencies. I do not hate Christians for believing what they believe; it's when they try to force it down others' throats that I feel a need to gently remove the pedestal they have wrongly placed themselves on. And if you can't utilize Logic, don't bother to reply. Leave the theological debates to the big boys and girls.
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Milli, I must say that your attempts at conversion are pointless. Telling people to go waste their money on a Bible with the promise of gold-paved streets if they cooporate, and threatening those that don't with eternal and unbearable burning in lonely darkness is ridiculous.
Now, edc3, did you actually read and comprehend the article, or did you take one look at the title and start epic-troll-failing? You're talking as though you think this refers to bloodsucking vampires, howling werewolves, and brain-eating zombies. That's not what it's saying... Or was it just too many words for you? Did you not feel like having mommy read it for you?

I love that... "Cuntry"... Brilliant. Truly brilliant.
Abusive comment hidden. (Show it anyway.) seems Milli never replied back. I almost said never came back, but I'm sure she has. I'm equally sure that she was and still is completely unable to formulate a logical rebuttal.

Logic: 76
Backwoods Retard Hicks: 0
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@ Milli. Dear gal, as you stated in one of your overly long rants: "p.s. I'll be praying for you realist."
The last word my dear, the last word. REALIST. We sinner souls see reality, not a bunch of man made stories over 2000 years ago. Mind you, a cart was made out of wood and some metal, drawn by horses back then, now days it is made out metal, class, plastic and leather. Runs on its own power. Now compare that mentality and understanding of nature and life back then, with today's modern science. How much that book would differ from the original?
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hey?? i have to know that i have to get the vampires then where i should go for them ?? please mail me about that answer ..... i really wanna know about that please...
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