Regrettable Halloween Costumes

Did you ever have one of those Halloweens where your costume fell way short of awesome?  I sure did.  I was going to be a killer robot. I had two boxes, a large one for my body, and a smaller one for my head.  I cut armholes in the big one and a hole in the top, where the other box went.  I painted the whole thing orange, and cut out eye holes.  About fifteen minutes after leaving the house, I realized the total and devastating failure of my endeavor, and returned home a sad, orange robot disgrace. I know there are other stories out there that beg sharing, like Susan's as told to Lemondrop, among other confessions:

My brother and I dressed up as George and Martha Washington one year. (My Dad was a big history buff.) Yup, it was incredibly nerdy. And also kind of funny that I was about a foot taller than "George Washington." (pictured, above).

More terrible costume stories at their site, but since I confessed, it's your turn!  What costume idea of yours turned out to be less than you'd hoped for? Link

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I plan on going as Eva Braun in Hell this year ... probably a mistake in the making but oh well lol. I'm going to wear a dirndl with devil horns, devil tail and my dachshund will be dressed as one of her scottie dogs. I also happen to have a Rolleiflex camera just like she had.
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I was Dorothy one year. I purchased the costume. I needed the red glitter shoes. I put glue all over the shoes. Put the glitter on and put them outside to dry. They looked great. I thought I was one to something until I was out with them on. They were rock hard! We were downtown so I couldn't take them off. They were hurting my feet sooo bad. They had no give. My feet were bruised the next day. This was before they started making all of those cute shoes to go with the costumes. Will not do that again.
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It wasn't my idea. When I was 10 and she was 9, my girl cousin decided that she wanted to go as a boy and suggested to our moms that I go as a girl. On Halloween morning before school my aunt and cousin showed up to borrow some of my clothes for her costume. I was presented with their idea, a wig, my cousin's dress and shoes. I quickly rejected the suggestion but our moms were even quicker going to work on me.

I was still refusing when my aunt was putting make up on me and I was in this frilly pink dress, blond pigtails, knee socks and patent shoes. My cousin wore a baseball cap, a sweatshirt, jeans and sneakers. I was teased to no end at school, even by my teacher. That night I was not recognized and asked several times what I was supposed to be. My cousin was too happy to answer for me.

That was definitely regrettable and it was the last year that I went trick or treating.
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My brother once dressed up as a 'girl' (and it was a weird costume, he wore one of my grandmothers old wigs and an old womans skirt suit) and most of the houses we went to thought he really was a girl and wondered what he was dressed up as- a few asked if he was supposed to be Hillary Clinton. (This was about 93, he was about 10.)

I knew a guy who's mom had dressed him up as Hitler and sent him to school.

I also heard a great story on This American Life about another kid who got dressed up as Hitler at school and how the teachers dealt with it.

Personally, I was always content to be a cat or a witch or a vampire. If it was black and involved makeup, that was enough for me.
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