How Much Halloween Candy can You Get in a Pillowcase?

How much candy can you get in a pillowcase? The short answer is: almost 48 pounds. This post also explains the measurement, and lays out a strategy for actually getting that much candy during trick-or-treat. According to the conclusions, everyone who reads this article will be showing up at my house Friday evening. Link -Thanks, ebez!

oh yes... one of the best Halloween memories, The Pillowcase as a candy bag! everyone should at least experience this once in their life.
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My brothers and I always made it a goal to each have 8 pounds of candy every year.
If we had only known how much we could have fit!
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Any kid that came to our door with a pillowcase (the ones that were WAY too old to trick-or-treating in the first place) got a lot less than the little kids. Pillowcase = greed imo.
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