Congrats on making it to the last page of today's challenge. Don't forget to leave in the comments below, both the correct answer to the following question, AND the item from the neatoshop that you want if you're selected at random. If you don't leave the item you want, you will be disqualified.
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Shower Curtain, thanks!
Hip Hip array shirt, size small please
Schroedinger's Cat: Wanted Dead And/Or Alive tshirt, ladies M, dark grey
Lucky Basartd tumbler please.
LEGO Head Lamp - Fireman
Look Out Schoedinger's Cat: It's a Trap shirt (ladies, large, chocolate)
Schrodinger's Cat Ladies, M, Grey
Fingerstaches please
Nuclear Fusion shirt size L, please!
Dog Stapler
Nuclear Fusion T, Size L, please!
Star Trek Enterprise Pizza Cutter
TARDIS ice bucket please!
I Want To Believe, the Alien Version t-shirt, navy, XL
polluted glass
Tape measure zipper bag.
Disappearing Tardis Mug, please
yellow sub ice tray
There's a Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity tee shirt
Sunny Outlook - Solar Powered Owl (Small)
The Last Cookie t-shirt (Ladies M, Navy) please!
Aristocrats cupcake mold.
Girls Rule - Olivia Purse-Style Tin Box
Girls Rule - Olivia Purse-Style Tin Box
sorry had to repost because I spelled our email address wrong (d'oh!)
Napoleon Wine Bottle Stopper
Retro Camera - Digital Camera Case in black
Sunny Outlook - Solar Powered Owl (Small)
Animal nesting dolls please
teapot talk with chalk
stomach plush please!!
Babushkups please!
Monster Book of Monsters please!!!
Titanic shower curtain please
Blank DIY Mighty Wallet please!
Ultimate Geek Pen, please.
LEGO Head Lamp - Fireman
S'il vous plait!
Houdini Coffee Mug
Russian nesting dolls measuring cups
Airmail Mighty Wallet, please.
(PS, I'm a longtime fan of these two- great music!)
If I am randomly selected I would choose the Android mini squishable and I'd give it to my mom because she just recently got an Android phone and it's all she wants to talk about.
Crime scene scarf please and thanks!
Owl - Mini Squishable, please!
Cupcake Apron (Children
"Monty Python In Your Pocket" *s'il vous plait*
"Stack the Bones" game, please!
hello kitty nerd and calculator key caps, please.
homer & beer bank please
Hp plush monster book
HIV plush
Disappearing TARDIS Mug, please!
Critical Hit - LED Flashing D20 Die
TARDIS Ice Bucket, please
Disappearing Tardis Mug.
Polar bears are soluble t-shirt, size S, navy
Robot timer in blue :)
Bullshit / Meeting ambigram mug pls
Disappearing Tardis mug.
Cool Jazz Ice Tray and Stirrers
Noah's Ark trinket box, please.
Pandora's box secret storage
"Writers Do It 'Til Their Hands Cramp" shirt. Men's Large, please. Natural.
Yummy Pillow - Sushi, please
Pen with Level.
Slave to science t-shirt
Stay Puft Caffeinated Marshmallows
yumbots cupcake molds please :)
Power Planter
Pig Matryoshka
the cutlery kitchen clock
Disappearing Tardis mug
Singing in the Rain shower curtain, s'il vous plaît.
(Late entry - no prize...)
And I'd love the mini squishable android!
Equal Measure Measuring Cup
Power Planter, please!
Sushi Pillow, please!
Holy hand grenade, please!
If picked, the disappearing Tardis mug, please.
Brain Freeze Ice Tray
XL Brainer than the average bear t shirt