When I heard a new record was set for the longest tail on a cat, I first thought about measuring my cat's tails, because they are pretty long. But when I got a glimpse of Pugsley Addams, I knew there was no point in doing so. This Maine coon cat from Mound, Minnesota drags around a feather duster that can't be topped! Pugsley belongs to the Cameron family, who has four Maine coon cats: Pugsley, Gomez, Winnie, and Duchess. They knew Pugsley had an exceptional tail, but only when his veterinarian expressed amazement did they think about a world record. The existing record for a tail on a living domestic cat was 16 inches, and Pugsley's was longer. Guinness World Record officials determined Pugsley's tail is 18.5 inches (46.99 centimeters) long!
But he may beat his own record in time. Pugsley is only two years old, and Maine coon cats often don't reach their full size until they are four or five years old. Read more about this long-tailed cat and how he and his brother Gomez resemble their Addams Family namesakes at the Guinness site. -via Boing Boing
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