Airports are huge, and provide many services for millions of people every day. You could spend quite a bit of time in one if you had to, and many of us have spent more time there than we wanted to. You may be familiar with the story of Mehran Karimi Nasseri, who actually lived at the Charles de Gaulle Airport in Paris for 18 years, and inspired the subject of two movies. But he is far from the only person who lived for an extended period at an airport. There are those people who are stateless, or refugees, or have nowhere to go. There have been some who stayed until they could come up with the money to fly out. Some were stranded for various screwups during the Covid lockdown. One went there to wait for a date to show up and she didn't. And a few people have lived at an airport for years on end because they preferred being there to being at their regular home! Cracked has a list of the stories of 14 people who lived at an airport for periods ranging from 13 days to decades for reasons ranging from bureaucratic to psychotic.
(Image credit: Heeheemalu)
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