Joseph Hersher of Joseph's Machines (previously at Neatorama) is known for making super elaborate Rube Goldberg contraptions that perform everyday tasks. This one is quite elaborate, but there's no "everyday" about it. He got one of the larger LEGO Super Mario Kart sets (no doubt because of a sponsorship deal) and not only built the karts, but designed a track that replicates the odd effects of the game! Watch the racetrack move to thwart the drivers. Watch cars get smashed flat. Watch a turtle zig zag across the course. Watch a kart on a bridge leap-frog across another kart. First you have to watch to see what he came up with, then you have to watch again to figure out how he did it. The video is short, but it's packed full of delightful moments. And to think, Joseph's mother told him he'd never make a living from building ridiculous chain reaction devices. -via Boing Boing
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