It's hard to say whether the website Learn the World Map is a game, quiz, or just a learning opportunity, but it's fun, and will suck up quite a bit of your time. It made me feel good to know I can locate so many countries on a world map, and I did learn a few new things. Who knew that Northern Cyprus is its own country? But since I knew where the island of Cyprus is, I still found it. However, play on the main part of the website doesn't keep a running score, and it never ends as far as I know. Still, I will never forget where Liberia is now.
On the right side of the screen, you can go to "challenge" mode, and that's a different story altogether: find ten countries as fast as you can, and get a score at the end. But you can only do the challenge once a day. Try your hand at the map, and you'll either pat yourself on the back or else you'll learn where a few countries are. -via Nag on the Lake
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