You probably noticed the price of, well, everything, going up and up and up. We've heard plenty of explanations, like bird flu for eggs, supply and demand for housing, corporate greed for other stuff, supply chain issues, tariffs, etc. etc. But have we considered monopolies? Sure, monopolies are technically illegal, and so is price-fixing collusion between different companies, but modern technology in the form of algorithms run by third-party services can skip around that and produce the same result. Sam from Half as Interesting explains how that can happen with the example of french fries. He can do this because there is blatant documentary evidence of what's going on to make all our french fries so much more expensive, but this can happen in any industry. And if it happens with America's favorite vegetable, you know it must be going on with other foods and everyday expenses. This video is only 5:55, the rest is an ad.
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