Remember the novelty toy called Big Mouth Billy Bass? It looked like a mounted trophy fish, but talked or sang when activated. No one can figure out why that became such a best seller. But now we have the same sort of thing, only sillier. YouTuber gptars outfitted a Big Mouth Billy Bass with artificial intelligence, so it can respond to questions, and also made it believe it is Arnold Schwarzenegger. Besides quoting lines from Schwarzenegger films, it wants to motivate you to work out, or, as we've all heard, "pump you up."
No, this isn't a real product you can buy -yet. But it's pretty cool in the same way Big Mouth Billy Bass was cool the first couple of times you saw him flop about and talk. After you've heard them sing "Take Me to the River" a few hundred times, the charm grows a little thin. -via Geeks Are Sexy
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