Knowing how humans will make a competition out of anything, you might not be too surprised to learn that snowball fights have become an organized sport. You will not be too shocked to learn that it originated in Japan. The sport of Yukigassen pits teams of seven players against each other. The rules were established by the Japan Yukigassen Federation, which oversees competitions in many countries where snow is available. Every year, the world champion is decided by a tournament at the foot of Mount Usu in Japan, where around 100 teams compete for the title. Great Big Story explains the history of Yukigassen, how the sport is played, and even gives us tips on how to make and throw the perfect snowball. Useful information right now, if you live in the Southern Hemisphere.
How long before the Yukigassen becomes an exhibition sports in the Olympic Winter Games? It may be some time, since the games won't be hosted in Asia for at least the next ten years.
Comments (1)
... And get one of those snowball making forms.
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