Happy Lunar New Year! The Asian festival begins today, and in China, this holiday ushers in the Year of the Snake. In Hong Kong, people will eat plenty of traditional holiday foods, and among them will be the traditional Kjeldsens Danish butter cookies. What? Many families in Hong Kong celebrate the new year with “blue tin cookies,” which everyone knows is the hard-to-pronounce Kjeldsens brand.
Traditions have to start somewhere, and this particular tradition goes back to 1963, or at least that's where the story begins. Within a few years, Kjeldsens butter cookies were available in Hong Kong as the Western tradition of snacking on sweets was about to take off. Kjeldsens cultivated this market, and did extra advertising in Hong Kong around holidays. The familiar blue tin is often kept and reused for sewing supplies, just as Royal Dansk cookie tins (introduced in 1966) are used in the US. Read up on how Kjeldsens Danish cookies became a part of the Lunar New Year at Atlas Obscura.
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