The city with the largest population in the world is no longer Shanghai. The link said, "I bet you can’t name it." I thought, I bet that Guangzhou and Hong Kong were officially merged and got a new name. While I was wrong, that is the way that Chongqing, China, became a municipality with 32,054,159 residents.
Like many superlatives, it all comes down to how you define your terms. The Chinese government designated Chongqing in southwestern China as a "direct-administered municipality" which includes the city of Chongqing proper plus several surrounding cities and the rural areas in between. However, Chongqing proper still has 22 million people, which puts it close to Shanghai's 25 million. Wikipedia still lists Tokyo as the biggest city, but such rankings depend on whether you go by city limits, government designations, or metropolitan areas.
At any rate, Chongqing is massive, the size of Austria, and has more people than many of the world's countries. Read about Chongqing and see some gorgeous pictures at Kuriositas. -via Nag on the Lake
(Image credit: Jay Huang)
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