Oh, he nailed it. We are in that weird time between two holidays that are too close to go back to school, but some people have to pretend to work and others don't, and some are dealing with the Christmas fallout as guests are still hanging around. We all try to act like it's a normal week even though it's not, and until I heard this song, I didn't realize how universal that feeling is.
Is this a weekday or a weekend? Did my Christmas company leave yesterday or the day before? How old are these leftovers? Should I start taking down the decorations? I missed several days of my regular daily activities- will I ever catch up? Is life ever going to be normal again? Brittlestar wrote a little song titled "The Week Between Christmas and New Year's" to put into words how discombobulated we all are feeling at this time, whether we are off work or not. -via Nag on the Lake
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Thank you, Miss C. Have a very happy new year!
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Aw, thank you! And happy new year!
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Happy Birthday, sandyra!
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Well, Happy Birthday!
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AND don't forget the poor souls who have birthdays between Xmas and New Years Day like me! Today's my birthday and I wish all the other inbetweeners a happy birthday and I do hope they are happy.
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