(Image credit: daQueen1011)
Good stories should be shared with strangers on the internet, because we all need to be reminded of what's good in the world. Imagine getting excited for your baby's first Christmas. Sure, he's too young to understand, but there will be pictures documenting it for the rest of his life. Then something happens and he's in the hospital over the Christmas holiday. The child's nurse understood what a first Christmas photo meant, and she went above and beyond to recruit a Santa Claus to be there when the shutter clicked, watching over the little boy and keeping him safe. I checked OP's comment history, and found the baby is okay a year later.
(Image credit: NotGayRyan)
You know how some people buy a gift for their significant other that's really something they want themselves? It works out when a couple is in tune and has shared interests. A husband and wife got the gifts above for each other. Perfect. You have to wonder what their dog got- probably everything! Read a long list of Christmas posts gleaned from reddit that will bring a smile to your face at Bored Panda.
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