This video begins by posing the question: Does earth exist in the Star Wars universe? Of course it does, although you have to dig into Star Wars lore a bit to find the evidence. A broader question is: Where does the Star Wars universe end and where does our familiar world begin? The simple answer is Disney World, but that's not satisfying, either. We are told that the events of Star Wars take place long, long ago in a galaxy far, far away, so the light (and/or video signals of some sort) from that galaxy might just now be reaching us here on earth. But that's just one theory.
The Art Of Storytelling explains some of requirements of a shared universe, and how some similarities between that fantasy world and our own can be tolerated while others cannot. The many Star Wars properties range from the quite plausible (Andor) to the ridiculous (The Rise of Skywalker), so you can pick your poison. Egregious errors in Star Wars stories make it difficult to fantasize about the reality of that galaxy so far, far away. For those who like to think that the events of Star Wars could be real, those errors can induce rage. And outside of the political realm, no one feels rage like an avid Star Wars fan. -via Laughing Squid