Wouldn't it be nice to be as fashionable as a cop? Miami Vice was the hottest show on TV from 1984 to 1989. The series focused on two very stylish police officers fighting the war on drugs in the Art Deco neon glow of southern Florida. There were plenty of established stars in the "drug dealer of the week" role, as well as up-and-coming actors, but as the show went on, famous recording artists wanted to get in on the action, as well as athletes, models, and other notable figures. Many of the "unknowns" who appeared on Miami Vice got noticed and became famous for other roles later. In this supercut, they stand out because they look so young. Well, that was 40 years ago.
This list of Miami Vice guest stars is far from comprehensive. A few years ago, we posted about a massive Twitter thread that was a Who's Who of Miami Vice characters. You'll find an even longer list at Wikipedia. -via Laughing Squid
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