Cassowaries are scary birds. They are a part of the ecosystem of Australia, where the wildlife wants to kill you. These "murder turkeys" have five-inch claws, may grow up to six feet tall, can run at more than 30 mph, and they wear helmets. They are also among the few species of bird that have killed humans, although that is relatively rare. Still, just because a cause of death is rare, that doesn't mean you tempt fate, yet in this video we see plenty of people getting close to cassowaries. Dr. Ann Jones explains what cassowaries are all about, and why you shouldn't mess with one. You won't win. They don't like being insulted, like when someone compares their wattles to neck testicles, or when someone looks at them. While the cassowary has been called the world's most dangerous bird, they kill fewer people than ostriches do. Ostriches are bigger, and you don't want to mess with them, either. -via Damn Interesting
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