This is driving me nuts. It’s from a Christmas set but I’m stumped
byu/RbbyAick inwhatismycookiecutter
A mystery cookie cutter is driving the subreddit What Is My Cookie Cutter insane. RbbyAick found this in an unmarked ziplock bag of Christmas cookie cutters. The others are a a Christmas tree, candy cane, a bell, a snowflake, a truck hauling a tree, and an angel. But what is this shape supposed to be? My first impression is that it's a chess piece, specifically a knight. You have to rotate it 90 degrees to the right. So I looked up chess piece cookie cutters to make sure that's a thing. I found plenty of sets, but they all have flat bottoms for the chess pieces.
Others guessed that it's a sea horse, a chalet, a nativity scene, a pile of gifts, a dreidel, a slice of pie, Santa's sleigh, or various cartoon dinosaurs. Others guessed that the series of round shapes were supposed to be a word written out in icing. The reddit thread is full of pictures where people colored in plausible, semi-plausible, or ridiculous guesses. These mysteries are usually solved when someone can post a sales page for another cookie cutter in the same shape, but that hasn't happened yet. Have you ever used, or even seen, a cookie cutter in this shape? Maybe we can help them out.
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