Comedy duo Austin & Colin stopped shaving and went to the National Beard and Moustache Championships in Everett, Washington, a couple of weeks ago. They had a wonderful time as you can see in the video footage they shot while at the convention. They even signed up to compete and Austin came in third in the Natural Mustache category! So they wrote a little song about it. It contains every mustache pun ever uttered, including the title. There are also callbacks to the 1980s, and references to celebrities with remarkable mustaches. You'll find the complete lyrics at the YouTube page under "more."
Check out plenty of images from the National Beard and Moustache Championships at Instagram. The song and video were put together in record time because November is a time to grow a mustache and to promote Movember, an awareness and fundraising effort for men's health issues, mostly testicular caner and mental health. -via reddit
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