There are certain things you can say that can be a blessing or a curse at the same time, like when I would tell my kids, "May you have children just like you!" usually when I was angry. It's the same with the phrase "May you live in interesting times." I hadn't thought much of it, but in the back of my mind I thought that was something Mr. Spock said on Star Trek. In that I may have been a victim of the Mandela effect. It was said in the Star Trek Universe, but by Harry Kim on the show Voyager, in the episode "The Cloud" from 1995. So where did I know it from, and where did the saying originally come from?
Robert F. Kennedy used the phrase in a speech in 1966, and attributed it to an old Chinese curse. From there, it was quoted by many memorable people. But Kennedy was not the first documented use of the phrase, and it may be much older -and it's not an old Chinese curse. Read what we know about the history of "May you live in interesting times" at Mental Floss.