Testing Human Empathy with Tortured Robots

Do you recall the adventures of hitchBOT? The little robot hitchhiked its way through several European countries, but when it came to the US, it only lasted a couple of weeks before vandals destroyed it. Humans have a tendency to take their frustrations out on technological innovations, none more so than robots, from factory robots to hitchBOT to Waymo autonomous cars. Every time Boston Dynamics came out with a new robot, they showed us how they tested them by hitting them, tripping them, or thwarting their tasks, and those are the parts of the videos that people enjoyed the most. Viewers had a lot more sympathy for Spot, the robot dog, than for the Atlas humanoid robot.

It's easy to vent our frustrations on a machine, knowing that they cannot feel pain or die in the conventional sense. They may represent technology taking away human jobs, or the surveillance state, or vanity toys for rich people. There are plenty of reasons to hate robots, but how can we change this behavior? Recent experiments have had some success by triggering feelings of empathy for robots under attack. Read how that's done, and what it tells us about human nature, at Popular Science. -via Damn Interesting

(Image credit: Boston Dynamics)

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