New Star Wars Comic Series Will Bring Back Kylo Ren

We haven't heard much about Kylo Ren since The Rise of Skywalker, but you have to admit that the saga did him dirty. Adam Driver was awesome as the Big Bad in the Star Wars sequel trilogy until they unnecessarily flipped him into a "good guy" just like they did with Darth Vader in Return of the Jedi -and then killed him off to escape consequences. But the character is coming back in comic book form as his former evil self. A new series called The Legacy of Vader places Ren at the point where he was most dangerous: after killing Snoke and becoming the Supreme Leader of the First Order, but before the events of the disappointing last movie.

The comic series will focus on Ren's obsession with Darth Vader as he explores the places Vader obtained and used his powers, looking for guidance, and the series will also reveal some insights into Vader's psyche. Avid Star Wars fans are looking forward to the series, as they know that the franchise is rich in satisfying stories outside of the films, which tended to try to please everyone. The first comic will be released in February, and you can read more at Gizmodo.

(Image credit: Lucasfilm/Marvel Comics)

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