Cute Bipedal Robot Skips the Uncanny Valley

One way to get everyday people on board with a robot is to make it less like a human, and therefore less creepy. LimX Dynamics introduces the TRON 1, a bipedal robot that looks relatively unthreatening. It's only half the height of a human, and resembles robots we are familiar with from the movies (Tron, Star Wars, Robocop, Battlestar Galactica, etc.). All in all, it resembles an ostrich of sorts more than a human. For a two-legged robot, it balances really well, and has three different "foot" modes that can be switched out. And boy, can it dance!

You can have your own Tron I for just $15,000. I'm sure it can do things besides walk upstairs and dance, but what it's supposed to be useful for isn't really explained. I can't see it pushing a lawnmower or washing dishes. I'm sure it would be easy to attach a machine gun or a flamethrower to it. -via Boing Boing

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