Tom BetGeorge's 2024 Halloween Light Show Extravaganza

Light display maniac Tom BetGeorge has revealed his 2024 Halloween light show! We've been posting BetGeorge's holiday decorations for years now, as he went from a humble music teacher to running his own light show production business called Magical Light Shows. In that time, he moved to a larger property where he could avoid neighborhood tension, and even experimented with drone shows one year. BetGeorge's 2024 light show is about a half-hour long, and the sequence set to AC/DC's "Thunderstruck" above is only the beginning. Continue reading to see more.

Note that Taco Bell is not a sponsor of this light show; but if they were interested, BetGeorge would be open to discussing a deal.

Part 2: "Harder to Breathe" by Maroon 5

Part 3: "Somebody's watching Me" by Rockwell

Part 4: "Gangnam Style" by Psy

Part 5: "Thriller" by Michael Jackson

A good time is nightly had by all, but as soon as Halloween ends, BetGeorge will be hanging Christmas lights in an attempt to outdo himself. -via Born in Space

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