Reece's Peanut Butter Cups No Longer Heads the List of Top Halloween Candies


The Candy Store has been surveying and tabulating the USA's best-loved Halloween candies for years, and many of those years, Reece's Peanut Butter Cups has reigned at the top of the list. But not this year. They've crunched the numbers to find out what kind of candy is being purchased the most for Halloween. The interactive map above will tell you the top three candies in each state. Strangely, candy corn made the top ten, even though people often cite it as the worst Halloween candy. But that list is based on sales. We are all familiar with the concept of buying much cheaper candy to give away to trick-or-treaters than if we were eating it ourselves.   

If you want to know what people think, there's also the list of the ten worst and ten best Halloween candies by popular opinion. As expected, candy corn made the "worst" list, even though people buy it like crazy. It strikes me that most of the candies on the "worst" list are relatively hard to find, but Baby Boomers buy them out of nostalgia, and young trick-or-treaters are not impressed. As you might guess, the top ten favorites lean heavily toward more expensive chocolate.  -via Fark



Candy Corn. The Trumpster of candy. Everybody hates it but an awful lot are buying it. Looking at the worst list - yikes! Six on that list are favorites, especially smarties and neccos.
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