Imagining a World Without Predators

If the earth had no predators, then the rest of the animals would live without fear, and flourish in their own ways, right? The lion laying down with the lamb, so to speak. But in the real world, nature tries to balance all animals, plants, and even microbes into their own ecological niche. We can speculate as to the effects of a predator-less world, but it's already happened in real life, with an accidental experiment in Venezuela. Lost predators mess with every layer of the ecosystem underneath them, including plants and insects, in what is called a "trophic cascade." Minute Earth tells that story.

Venezuela is not the only place where this lesson has been learned. Another real-world experiment revealed the massive effects only after predators were re-introduced, when wolves were re-introduced to Yellowstone National Park. The effects become more notable the longer the experiment continues. Sooner or later, we will learn to stop messing with Mother Nature. -via Geeks Are Sexy

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.. that isn't a world without predators... it's just shifting which predator is at the top. Grazing animals will happily predate through all the plants for example. Everything eats.
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Actually there is one thing that more people (and more people with a decent level of access to facilities and resources is good at, especially knowledge and education).Technology development. Ideas.And adaptability and communication are humanity's only advantages over other apex predators. (and you could argue stubborness and durability also: persistence predation and all).That's a major issue with the way our capitalist society approaches (and presents/advertises fears: yes it is propaganda).It isn't "cartoonish" to try to uplift more people to more potential. It's cartoonish to think that the "already haves" can be trusted to now do differently.You can't trickle down systemic improvements (or economics for that matter)
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I mean, look no further than human population. We're at 8 billion, and the only predator we have is mosquitos trasmitting disease. And look at the cartoonish devastation we've already done to the planet. I love most peoples solution "there's 8 billion people? what we need is more people". As though things get better for humanity, and the health of the planet, if only there were more people. Anyway..
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