Lost Picasso Painting Found in Basement

Pictured above is the family of Luigi Lo Rosso, a junk dealer in Italy. In the background on the right is a painting that hung in his home for many years. Eventually, Lo Rosso's wife made him take it down because she found it hideous. It sat in the basement for many years until Lo Rosso's son, Andrea, had it identified.

It's an original work of Pablo Picasso. Specifically, it's one of many portraits that Picasso painted of Dora Maar, one of the painter's many mistresses. The Guardian reports that art appraisers have priced its value at €6 million ($6.7 USD). Andrea Lo Rosso is pleased, especially since, as a child, he argued with his father that the signature on the painting was Picasso's. Now, he's finally proven correct and rich.

-via Dave Barry

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