What to Expect at Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest in Munich is the biggest folk festival in the world. More than seven million people took part last year, and they drank almost seven million liters of beer. How did this Bavarian tradition get started? It all began as a five-day royal wedding reception more than 200 years ago, which turned out to be so much fun the townspeople wanted to do it again. Oktoberfest couldn't help but grow and grow because of the beer. People really enjoy the beer. The festival spread to other German towns and throughout the world because of the beer. And people from all over the world travel to Munich to celebrate Oktoberfest and drink beer. This video describes what happens at the festival since you might want to book a ticket (hurry, the festival ends Sunday). Sure, they drink beer, but there are other things happening, too, like a parade, carnival rides, and food. But yeah, people don't travel from all over the world for those things. They do it for the beer.  -via Laughing Squid

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