Can a Man Charm His Way Into His Girlfriend's Cat's Heart?

Bill Schaumberg is a producer and editor at The Dodo, so you know that animals are important to him. He started dating Kate, who has a cat named Rita. Bonus! Yeah, Bill has plenty of pets of his own, but he still wanted to make friends with Rita. Badly. However, Rita is definitely a one-person cat who is clearly very attached to Kate, and she is set in her ways. That set up a challenge- can Bill persuade Rita to hug on him the way she hugs on Kate? You can't get too pushy in this situation, because cats can see through that. Winning a cat over takes time, dedication, and consistency. But Bill knows that. Watch his adventures in wooing Rita over time. Not only does he eventually make a good impression on Rita, he also gains points with Kate, because women love a man who is good to their pets.   

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