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As far as I know, flipping tables doesn't happen all that much in real life, even when people are very angry. The most well-known example is Jesus flipping the tables of the moneychangers at the temple, which is a great display of anger. In modern times, someone is more liable to punch a wall, if not a person. But the sight of a table flipping over is perfect for movies. It's easy to do, since tables are not as heavy as they are big, and spilling the contents makes for a messy, colorful visual. Much more spectacular than punching a wall. It's also surprising, telegraphs the idea of sudden anger quite successfully, and can be cathartic for the audience.
Yoni Wagner made a supercut of table flips in movies to show us how often it's done, and frankly, to entertain us. This video contains NSFW language. As you'd expect, there are at least a half-dozen clips of Jesus flipping tables. Now that we've gotten that out of our system, we can put things right again. ┬─┬ノ( º _ ºノ) -Thanks, Brother Bill!
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