Stargazer and Northstar (Nora for short) were wild mustangs in Utah who were captured in 2021 when their herd was reduced. Melissa Tritinger adopted them together, knowing they were pair-bonded. You can read their story here. The mustangs live with another horse named Reuben. One day Stargazer spotted a kitten in the field that was obviously hungry and lonely. All three horses were fascinated, and welcomed the kitten into the paddock. It took a little longer for Turnip to trust Melissa, but that came with a good meal or two. The family decided to adopt Turnip, but he'd need approval from the other two cats. That wasn't a problem, either, because everyone loves Turnip. No one knows where he came from, but Turnip isn't going anywhere. The Dodo shows us that first encounter when the horses decided they wanted this cat. You can see more of Turnip at Stargazer and Nora's Instagram page. -via Laughing Squid