The Nikon Small World in Motion Competition is an extension of their Small World Microphotography competition for video and time-lapse photography of microscopic worlds that we can never see with just our eyes. And now we know the winners for 2024. First place went to Dr. Bruno Vellutini of the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics for the video below showing a time-lapse of the embryogenesis of a fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster). You can see the mitotic waves created when its cells divide. Read more about the video at the winner's page.
Dr. Vellutini wins a $5,000 prize for his efforts, internet virality, and bragging rights among his peers. See the full videos of all five winners at the competition gallery, and see the honorable mentions, too. The stories behind each are poresented with the videos. -via Gizmodo