There's Now a Rod Serling Memorial

You're traveling through another dimension, a dimension not only of sight and sound but of mind. There's a signpost up ahead--your next stop, Binghamton, New York.

The small city of Binghamton in the west-central part of the state is proud to call Rod Serling, the creator of The Twilight Zone, a native son. This past weekend, it and Ithaca College hosted SerlingFest 2024, a celebration of Serling's life and work.

The Ithaca Journal reports that this convention culminated in the dedication of a statue of the man near his childhood home. The statue is in Recreation Park, a favorite place of Serling and the inspiration for the episode "Walking Distance."

Photo: Rod Serling Memorial Foundation

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If you watch "The Twilight Zone," you might notice the strange lighting Serling used. Everything is evenly lit. No shadows even outside. He got that from Binghamton. The cloud cover was frequently so thick and diffused the sunlight so much that there were no shadows, no sunrise, no sunset.
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