In the 1979 movie Alien, we were transfixed by the xenomorph that went through different and terrifying life stages, and we were shocked when all the actors we'd heard of were killed off, leaving Sigourney Weaver to be the last survivor, along with the ship's cat Jones. Everyone liked Jonesy, and wanted him to make it out alive. So what if we made the whole cast into cats? Well, maybe throw in some dogs, a pig, and a turtle. And change the name of the ship to the Nostromeow.
Mean Orange Cat did just that, with artificial intelligence. Except the narrator's voice must be real, which explains the gender swap. If they had an AI voice, he would have made it Weaver's, or at least a woman's voice. But Mean Orange cat uses the same voice in all his AI movie remakes, with a cat wearing an eyepatch as the protagonist. -via Geeks Are Sexy