Archive for September 5th, 2024

What To Do If a Kangaroo Attacks You

When we talk about the wildlife of Australia trying to kill you, we are usually talking about snakes, spiders, or jellyfish. Occasionally, we warn people away from cassowaries. But kangaroos are everywhere, jumping their...

An Accountant for Video Games

We play video games for to escape the real world. Still, those video game characters use a lot of resources, and someone has to keep up with all that. Enter the accountant. The poor guy is just doing his job, but his job...

The Many Origin Stories for the Song "Kumbaya"

You may know the song "Kumbaya" from singing it around the fire at summer camp. The lyrics are simple and repetitive, the music only has three chords, and it's slow enough to wind down a bunch of rowdy kids and get them...

Stretching the Long Jump with a Front Flip

Tuariki John Edward Delamere of New Zealand threw a big wrench into the sport of the long jump when he launched into a front flip in competition in 1974. This move can add inches to a jump, although it seems like magic o...

Why Animals Don't Cross This Invisible Line

This sea border is only 22 miles across at its narrowest, but even birds and fish don't cross it. In 1859, British scientist Alfred Russel Wallace identified it and another scientist later named it the Wallace Line in hi...

School Opens Its First "Teacherless" Classrom

Sky News reports that David Game College, a private school in London, has created a class of 20 students that are taught entirely by artificial intelligences. These students are preparing for the General Certificate of S...

Believe It or Not, Microwave Placement is Important

A kitchen is built for work, and the placement of the tools involved is important to the work flow. For safety and efficiency, a microwave should be placed between waist-high and the user's head level. But that's not the...

Designing an Electric Skateboard for a Three-legged Dog

We all love seeing a dog (or a cat) ride a skateboard, and some have become very good at it. You'll see that a dog climbs on a skateboard, and then pushes off with one back leg. Simone Giertz (previously at Neatorama) ha...

This Is a Pear Burger

I had two hamburgers for breakfast this morning. This fixings were pretty simple, including pickles and onions. They were certainly nothing as exotic as this culinary marvel from, of course, Japan. Perhaps I should have...

Voluptuous Droid Cosplay

Cosplayer Ashley Ruhl calls this her "Badonkagonk" costume. She wore it to the recent Dragon Con in Atlanta. It's inspired by the GNK power droid, commonly known as the Gonk in its occasional appearances in the ...

John Denver Sings Black Sabbath

Dustin Ballard's There I Ruined It project continues to enchant audiences with its inventive juxtopositions of musicians with radically different themes and genres. In this video, Ozzy Osbourne's Black Sabbath mixes...

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