Fairy tales, myths and legends, epic adventures, and Christmas romances are all based on standard formulas, and get dressed up with details and movie stars for blockbuster films. The most original and fresh plots are based on true stories, because we all know truth is stranger than fiction. Not only does the plot differ, but if that story involves crime, we also get dramatic tension and a subversion of expectations. Okay, so to make a great movie, you start with an exciting true crime, something that no one wants to be involved with, but will find thrilling to watch on a screen. You condense the timeline, add interesting details, and cast talented actors in the roles. If the crime is too recent or you might get sued, just change the names and the setting. If it's not recent at all, you can go wild with fictionalizing it. In the right hands, it's a sure-fire formula for a great movie.
Den of Geek introduces us to twenty movies that were inspired by true crimes and became either critically acclaimed or big hits. They go back as far as 1931, but most are readily available to watch. They also vary in how fictionalized they are, and they adhere to no plot formula. They don't lend themselves to prequels or sequels. And you'll find a description of each movie, along with the true crime they were based on, plus a trailer for each.
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