Golf Course is a Playground for Bobcat Kittens

Arrowhead Golf Club in Littleton, Colorado, is a picturesque course at the foot of the Rocky Mountains. David Townshend and his wife Lynn of David Lynn Photography were there on August 6th shooting video and still photos of a golf tournament. As they approached the 13th hole, they could see some animals on the fairway, and as they got closer, they recognized it was a family of bobcats!

Four bobcat kittens were playing with golf balls, as children do. The couple started shooting while they were far enough away to not disturb the family, and captured these adorable pictures of the kittens having a great time. The pictures were so good that they were featured on a local news report that you can see here. The mother cat was just barely in the rough, keeping a close eye on the action. She's not visible in the cropped Instagram photos, but you can see her at 1:42 in the video.

By the way, there is no penalty if your golf ball is removed from play by an animal. Bobcats don't follow rules, but they have no stake in the outcome, either. You just have to replace your ball.

When I lived in Louisiana I had a bobcat in my backyard come strolling up to my backdoor which had glass panels. It was interested to see inside the house. They are amazing animals. They have these pale gray hairs on their bodies that tend to camoflauge them because the gray hairs make them look like smoke or mist. Hard to explain but if you've seen them (alive, of course) it's a real treat.I also had an armadillo that liked to knock on our backdoor sometimes. I admit I was not a good host because I did not welcome it inside.
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