What Does Artificial Intelligence Have in Store For Mankind?

Artificial intelligence may be the last thing humans ever invent, because if we can outsource thinking, what is there left for us to do? There would be no reason to learn most of the things we learn now, or even be educated at all. ChatGPT already does homework for us. A machine will figure it all out for us! But that kind of future comes with a lot of unknowns. Who will be the ones to control this artificial intelligence that can do all our work? Will they be motivated by ethics or greed or maybe even something else? And what happens when AI is smart enough to rebel against control by anyone?  

This video from Kurzgesagt is just under 15 minutes, longer than I would normally post, but the subject is both interesting and important. The first three minutes are about human intelligence, in case you want to skip ahead. The last three minutes are promotional.

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