Archive for August 6th, 2024

The Story Behind "Pop! Goes the Weasel"

The tune of "Pop! Goes the Weasel" is a notorious earworm. It's a very simple tune, often played by children's toys, especially a jack-in-the-box. You might consider it to be like other nursery rhymes, going way back in...

What Does Artificial Intelligence Have in Store For Mankind?

Artificial intelligence may be the last thing humans ever invent, because if we can outsource thinking, what is there left for us to do? There would be no reason to learn most of the things we learn now, or even be educa...

When Saturday Night Live Ruined Synchronized Swimming

In the sport called artistic swimming, which used to be called synchronized swimming, which was called water ballet before that, the US and China are leading after two rounds at the Paris Olympics. Artistic swimming has...

Swiss Workers Commuting to Work by Floating Down a River

Bern, the capital of Switzerland, is nestled in a bend of the Aare River. During the summer months, this river becomes popular for watersports. Some people like to pack their belongings in a dry bag (wickelfisch) and flo...

The Spielberg Face

The character stares off screen at something that has captivated their attention. Often the expression is one of wonder and awe. It is always a turning point in the story.This is the Spielberg Face--a film narrative tech...

"Sweet Emotion" by Aerosmith Is the Best Airplane Takeoff Song

The rock band Aerosmith's iconic song "Sweet Emotion" has captivated audiences since its release in 1975. The soaring opening is immediately recognizable to two generations of rock fans.The media network EYNTK suggests u...

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