You take all the standard tropes of a space adventure movie and put them together to make a parody. You shoot it in your apartment with a budget of zero and a cast of one playing all the parts. How good could it possibly be? In this one, it all comes down to the acting, and the zero-gravity effects, which were done only through acting. Oh yeah, there's one video effect, an illustration of product placement with a candy bar.
I saw a three-minute video on reddit and thought it was was quite good, and in fact was posted on the subreddit Best of the Internet. But I didn't post it here because I didn't know who made it. Then a friend pointed me in the right direction, and it turns out the full movie is nine minutes long and had a different ending. It was made by writer and actress Caroline Klidonas. Klidonas started posting vignettes on on TikTok during the pandemic lockdown that became full-blown productions. You can find quite a few of Klidones' full-length parodies at YouTube. -Thanks, Carol!