Archive for July 27th, 2024

Six Ways People Cooled Off Before Air Conditioning

I once knew someone who had a screened-in party room at their house, and behind it was another screened-in room with a bed! It was a sleeping porch, used when it was too hot inside. This one caught breezes from three sid...

A One-Woman Space Drama

You take all the standard tropes of a space adventure movie and put them together to make a parody. You shoot it in your apartment with a budget of zero and a cast of one playing all the parts. How good could it possibly...

Bishop of the Moon

In 1968, the Catholic Church established the Diocese of Orlando, which encompasses a large amount of central Florida. This area includes Cape Canaveral, from which the Apollo moon missions were launched in the late 1960s...

How Did "Late" Come to Mean "Dead"?

If you were to tell a story about a late partygoer, you could mean someone who arrived long after the party started, or you might mean someone who died at a party. These very disparate uses of the word "late" can be conf...

Walk into a Cartoon at Hulu's Animayhem Activation

Have you always wanted to walk through the Slurm factory, enjoy a donut with The Simpsons or do an alien autopsy of Roger from American Dad? If so, you'll want to head to Hulu's Animayhem activation at...

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