The Sad Story of the Irish Giant's Last Wish

Charles Byrne was born in Ireland in 1761 and grew to be seven and a half feet tall. This made him two feet taller than everyone around him. As word of the "Irish Giant" got around, Byrne decided to go to London and make a living off his unusual stature, because there were plenty of people who would pay to see a giant. And there was a also surgeon who would pay to have a giant. John Hunter was that surgeon, as he was also an anatomist who had dissected many human bodies to study them. Hunter made no secret that he would like to take possession of Byrne's body when the time came, to further his scientific knowledge.

Byrne was in control of how he was exposed during his life, but the thought of being dissected and then displayed after death horrified him. Even though he was a young man, his health began to deteriorate. The giant let it be known that he didn't want John Hunter anywhere near his body if he were to die. Byrne died at age 22. He had already made plans for his friends to bury him at sea, with weights to keep his body submerged so that the anatomist couldn't get to him. We don't know for sure how his plan went awry, but Hunter indeed ended up with Byrne's body. He dissected it for four years and then Byrne's skeleton went on display for hundreds of years -until 2023. Read about the restless corpse of the Irish Giant at ABC. -via Strange Company

(Image credit: Maggie Jones)

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I fully expected the story to say his bones had disappeared with only a note left behind saying his bones were committed to the sea per his last wish. I definitely like that ending and if I had access to his bones I might have done just that.
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