The Art of Maintaining Infrastructure in Berlin

WTF does this machine do?
byu/knowitokay inWTF

What is going on here? A ridiculously small caterpillar vehicle is doing something with a bollard, but we can't figure out exactly what. Redditors have differing opinions, many of them NSFW, but the best is from finger_licking_robot, who confidently explained the workings of the Poller-Kalibrator. Whatever it is, it sure drew a curious crowd.

Other commenters figured this was either a protest, a stunt for internet clicks, or performance art. You should know by now that the answer is always C. This was part of the recent Berlin art festival called 48 Stunden Neukölln. The artists are Anton Steenbock and Peter Behrbohm, who collaborate under the name SONDER, and the little vehicle is part of the project called SONDER HARMONISATION. The description of the work is just as baffling as the performance itself, yet it was a great success in getting people to pay attention.

You can see more of SONDER's projects at Instagram, including a longer, even more confusing video of the bollard job. -via reddit

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