Why Chile is the Longest, Thinnest Country in the World

Chile is so long that you can visualize it bending to the curvature of the earth. It's so long that if it were placed in Europe, it would reach from the top of Norway down to the north coast of Africa. The country's climate reflects the same orientation, except backwards. At the bottom, it's very close to Antarctica, and in the north you'll find hot desert. There's also a temperate rainforest in the middle, which is where people actually live. Those people speak a version of Spanish that Spanish-speakers from other places can't understand. What makes Chile so different in so many ways?

The short answer is the Andes mountain range. But those mountains, placed where they are, come with a story behind them and a lot of geographical effects that might surprise you. Chile's climate is affected by both the Pacific Ocean and the Atlantic. The mountains left cultural effects of their own. And the main population of Chile is boxed in on four sides by mountains, ocean, desert, and cold. Tomas Pueyo explains why Chile is so different in so many ways because of where it is at Uncharted Territories.  -via Metafilter

(Image credit: Addicted04)

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